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January Newsletter - Alliant Global Consulting

By Alliant Global Knowledge Center

Get access to the latest global employer newsletter (pdf).

In this issue:

Australia:  Proposed Federal Budget to reform government-paid parental leave

Belgium:  New law exempts employees from providing a medical certificate for the first day of a sick leave, resulting in potential obligations for certain employers

EU: European Parliament and the Council reach agreement on the Directive on pay transparency

France: Maximum tax-exempt amount of employers’ share of meal vouchers increased by 9.8%

Germany: Employers incentivized to provide inflation bonuses of up to EUR 3,000

India: Per recent Supreme Court ruling certain employees may set EPS contributions and benefits based on uncapped pay


  • Employer contributions to PRSAs no longer considered as in-kind benefits
  • Employer obligation to disclose reportable benefits to Revenue
  • Cycle to Work Scheme and the Small Benefit Exemption Scheme amended

Japan: Public disclosure of childcare leave utilization mandated by law

Mexico:  Significant increase in statutory annual leave entitlements apply from employees’ next work anniversary


  • First mandatory PPK auto-enrollment starts in 2023, and employees’ past declaration of resignation from PPK expire
  • Human Rights Commissioner triggers the delayed implementation of the EU Work-Life Balance