For organizations looking for the ultimate control over your insurance programs, our captive specialists have the expertise to help you form an insurance captive. Engage with our consultants to expand the use of existing captives and draft business plans necessary to add coverage.

Our captive services operate like an insurance company branch office, with cross-disciplinary capabilities in underwriting, risk management, loss control and finance management under one roof.

What We Do
- Captive consulting and feasibility studies
- Group captive review
- Cost/benefit analysis
- Benchmarking services
- Domicile selection
- Form and structure the new captive
- Reinsurance negotiation and placement

Captive Services
Our team has extensive experience with the utilization of captives in placing coverage for our clients including but not limited to: reinsurance negotiation, drafting of policy language, captive loss portfolio transfers, second event/stop loss coverage as well as assistance with captive board presentations and documentation.

Added Value
We also assist with service provider selection including third-party administrator, fronting carrier, captive manager, as well as law, actuarial and accounting firms. Additionally, our team can facilitate an introduction to the insurance commissioner/regulator, review reinsurance agreements, assist with manuscript policy forms and endorsements, implement programs, arrange loss reduction programs, assist in ongoing management of captives, perform service-quality surveys, monitor claim reporting, and other special projects.

Captive Solutions by Industry
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