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Alliant Insurance Services is the Leading Destination for Experienced P&C Insurance Brokers, Attracts Highest Inflow of Broker Talent in 2024 with 99% Producer Retention

By Alliant Specialty

Insurance Insider US Talent Tracker reports on all broker moves reported across the U.S. P&C insurance industry in 2024 

IRVINE, CA — Alliant Insurance Services is the leading U.S. P&C insurance brokerage of choice for experienced insurance brokers who made a move in 2024, according to the Insurance Insider US Talent Tracker. Alliant received the highest net inflow of broker talent among eight leading national brokerages, cited as a major influencing trend in broker movement within the insurance industry.

In addition to attracting the most brokers, Alliant had the least number of brokers move to competing brokerage firms. Supported by a 99% producer retention rate, Alliant was named by Forbes among America’s Best Large Employers for 2024, a barometer of employee satisfaction. To hear firsthand accounts of industry-leading producers who have joined Alliant, visit

“For experienced brokers who are looking to make a move, the Alliant story is compelling,” said Peter Arkley, President, National Brokerage, Alliant Insurance Services. “We are extremely competitive when it comes to offering market compensation, opportunities for equity ownership, and access to proprietary resources and talent that give brokers more value to provide to their client base. These factors are contributing to the influx in brokers whom throughout their careers have worked at other brokerages and are now choosing Alliant.”

Alliant Insurance Services is currently the fifth largest U.S. P&C broker, with majority employee ownership and nearly 30% year-over-year growth to more than 13,000 current employees. Alliant recently kicked off its 100-year celebration at 2024 RIMS® RISKWORLD® in San Diego, where the company was founded in 1925.