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Risk Solutions

Property & Casualty

We bring industry knowledge, expertise and insight to design programs for the distinctive risks and needs of your business. As strategic advisors, we build long-term partnerships with local and regional businesses to assure you have the protection you need.


We provide centralized global insurance brokerage services to help you manage, coordinate, and administer your global insurance programs while providing local “boots on the ground” service and support for your operating subsidiaries throughout the world. 

  • Global and foreign insurance program designed, controlled, and directed from the U.S.
  • Compliance with local laws and regulations
  • Genuine local market knowledge

Forty percent ($20B) of occupational injuries in the U.S. are Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) related, and workers’ compensation expenses are expected to triple by 2030. Alliant TotalComp is custom-designed to mitigate these risks. In fact, TotalComp clients have reduced their MSD claims by 35% over 12 months. MSD include soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, tears, and carpal tunnel syndrome. We are proud to offer this one-of-a-kind workers’ compensation solution that prevents many of the challenges MSD brings to business. TotalComp’s integrated platform of advanced technologies includes a dedicated team of experts and real-time analytics, helping you anticipate issues and proactively reduce claims costs.

Our experts specialize in developing insurance strategies for business owners, whose personal and business wealth may be intertwined. We focus on incorporating life and disability solutions into your existing risk management program. The result is a comprehensive insurance program that protects business assets and delivers valuable benefits to your employees.

  • Personalized process
  • Supplemental group insurance
  • Key employee insurance
  • Executive benefit plans
  • Business succession planning
  • Income replacement and protection

Leveraging our industry experience and extensive resources, we are able to design customized coverage solutions and services that match your business needs including:

  • Auto
  • Benchmarking
  • Certificate Tracking
  • Contractual Review
  • Employee Benefits
  • General Liability
  • Private Client Services, including High Net-Worth
  • Workers’ Compensation