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L.A. Times Roundtable: Commercial Real Estate Strategies

By L.A. Times / April 18, 2022

Over the course of the last two years, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, CRE companies needed to digitize many operations, workplace protocols changed, physical facilities were in many cases closed due to extensive lockdowns, and preparing for reopening created a whole shift of focus in itself … while ensuring the health and safety of employees as well as occupiers and considering the financial health of tenants and end-users.

As we move toward the middle of 2022 and as things return to a new form of normal, many questions still linger. What changes and trends are here to stay for the long term? What legal, financial and insurance-related issues need to be addressed? What new roles is technology playing? What will the CRE industry look like a year from now? The L.A. Times turned to three uniquely knowledgeable experts, including Michael Heid, Managing Director, Alliant Real Estate, for their thoughts and insights about what’s next for the resilient commercial real estate sector in L.A. and Southern California. 

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