Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance
Errors and omissions (E&O) liability insurance protects a business from customer claims of negligence or inadequate work related to the professional advice and services they provide.
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Safeguard Your Business with an E&O Policy
Errors & Omissions liability insurance coverage helps protect your company from litigation claims regarding mistakes or omissions in your professional services. A claim can arise from a wide range of responsibilities related to fiduciary duties, employment practices, data breach, the role of directors and officers, and fidelity, among other exposures.

Well-Targeted Protection with Errors and Omissions Coverage
No single professional liability policy covers every possible risk. And because each company or organization is unique, it’s vital to understand your specific professional risk profile in order to develop well-targeted protection. Our client-centric focus means that you don’t just get an E&O policy. You get thoughtfully designed protection that helps to close the gaps of traditional errors and omissions coverage.

Errors and Omissions Liability Insurance Specialists
To safeguard your company, our highly specialized team of individuals responds quickly to changing requirements. We provide superior support for timely E&O policy issuance and technical back-up and our experienced international team can place business in markets anywhere in the world.

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