Renewable Energy
The Energy & Marine Group of Alliant provides renewable energy companies across all areas of the sector with sound, reliable renewable energy insurance coverage and targeted industry expertise.
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The Alternative Energy Specialists
Our renewable energy insurance experts have an intimate knowledge surrounding renewable energy finance, and provide a range of products and services aimed at de-risking the transaction to create a more bankable project.
Renewable Energy Solutions
Our strong command of the renewables space enables us to deploy targeted renewable energy insurance solutions that address the unique risks facing your operation. We provide seamless coverage from the inception of the project to final completion and operation of the facility. Key renewable energy insurance coverages available include:
- Auto
- Environmental
- Executive risk
- General liability
- Political risk
- Professional excess liability
- Renewable energy captive
- Workers’ compensation
In addition to our ironclad traditional renewable energy insurance coverages, we also provide a full range of innovative specialty solutions custom designed for the renewable energy space:
- Solar
- Revenue shortfall
- Tax credit recapture
- Credit insurance
- Synthetic PPA
- Wind
- Extended warranty coverage
- O&M cost cap
- Geothermal
- Dry hole cover
- Storage
- Extended warranty coverage
- Revenue protection
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