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Upcoming Public Entity Events



PARMA's San Diego & Imperial Valley Chapter Meeting

March 12 | San Diego, CA


Join P.J. Skarlanic, Alliant Public Entity, during the San Diego and Imperial Valley PARMA Chapter Meeting for an insurance market update. P.J. will explore key factors shaping the industry such as social inflation, rising ransomware attacks and climate change. Understand how to leverage this information to better prepare for the year ahead.

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Upcoming Events:

Controlling Workers Compensation Costs: April 1 | State College, PA

Risk Control Workshop: April 9 | State College, PA

Regional Safety & Health Conference: April 10-11 | Charlotte, NC

Lousiana GFOA Spring Conference: April 22-24 | Baton Rouge, LA

CAJPA LITL In Person Training: April 23 | La Palma, CA

RISKWORLD 2025: May 3-7 | Chicago, IL

VA PRIMA: May 14-16 | Virginia Beach, VA