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Special Liability Insurance with No Minimum

While joint powers authorities (JPAs) typically require minimum participation of three years or more, this joint purchase program has no minimum participation requirement.


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No Risk Sharing through SLIP

As a group purchase program, there is no risk sharing in SLIP and, therefore, no possibility of future assessments. Each participating entity has its own limits of liability and a choice of deductibles or self-insured retention. The group’s size offers greater stability as the insurance market fluctuates as well as the most competitive structure in both hard and soft markets.


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Customized Special Liability Insurance Coverage

SLIP is unique in that it offers a customized, manuscripted form developed specifically for small public entities and not-for-profit organizations that offers a wide range of liability coverage. In addition to general liability, SLIP provides public officials errors and omissions liability (for public entities), directors and officers liability (for not-for-profits), automobile liability, and employment practices liability all under one contract on an “occurrence” basis. Primary broadcasters legal liability insurance is also available.

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