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On 25 October 2023, in a landmark ruling, South Africa’s High Court extended the scope of maternity leave beyond pregnant mothers. The High Court ruled that by reason of inconsistency with sections 9 and 10 of the Constitution, certain sections of the BCEA and UIF ACT unfairly discriminated between mothers and fathers; and between one set of parents and another based on whether their child/children were born of the mother, conceived by surrogacy, or adopted.

For the full article, click here (pdf).

On 25 July 2023, the Sultanate of Oman issued a new labor law, which among its wide-ranging and numerous provisions increased maternity leave entitlements, introduced unpaid childcare leave for female employees and paid paternity leave. The new labor law is part of the implementation of the country’s long-term strategy – the Oman Vision 2040, and its family-related provisions align with one of the four pillars of this strategic plan, namely, its “People and Society” pillar.

For the full article, click here (pdf).

On 13 September 2023, three Supreme Court rulings related to paid annual leave entitlements set aside the provisions of the French Labor Code, and directly applied European Union (EU) legislation. The rulings bring paid annual leave entitlements into conformity with EU legislation.

For the full article, click here (pdf).

Reforms shifting all supplementary pensions to flat-rate contribution DC plans have been approved by the Senate. On 30 May 2023, the Senate adopted the Bill on the Future of Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen –WTP). Once in force, all pension accruals would be based on defined contribution (DC) plans with a flat contribution rate that would apply irrespective of the participant’s age.

For the full article, click here (pdf).

New legislation entitles individuals with menstrual pain with government-paid leave, provided the leave is authorized by a physician. With this legislation, Spain becomes the first EU country to introduce statutory menstrual leave, and one of less than a handful of countries word-wide to mandate menstrual leave.

To read the full article click here (pdf).

Recent government policy trends committing to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in general, and to pay equity in particular, have been fueled by stakeholder activism and labor advocacy groups. As a result, several countries have passed or are in the process of developing pay equity legislation. It is in this context that on 15 December 2022, the European Parliament and Council reached an agreement on a pay transparency directive.

For the full article click here (pdf).

EU shatters the glass ceiling with its new “Women on Boards” Directive

All European Union (EU) Member States have until 28 December 2024 to transpose the EU’s “Women on Boards” Directive provisions into their national legislation; and ensure that larger listed companies meet or are striving to meet gender boardroom goals of 40% of the underrepresented gender among non-executive directors or 33% among all directors, by 30 June 2026; and report against these targets annually on their company website as well as to local authorities.

Read the full article here (pdf). 

Ireland introduces employer-paid Sick Leave, effective 1 January 2023

The Sick Leave Act introduces 3 days of statutory employer-paid Sick Leave per year starting 1 January 2023, which gradually increases to reach 10 days per year starting 1 January 2026. This paper elaborates on employee leave entitlements, employer-paid benefits, and eligibility for payments during sick leave.  The paper concludes with the public health outcomes and the impact on employers and employees of the introduction of paid sick leave.

Read the full article here (pdf).

On 9 May 2022, the UAE Cabinet approved the Unemployment Insurance Scheme as part of the government’s broader job security initiative and measures to attract and retain talent in UAE. The unemployment insurance system is expected to sustain unemployed individuals’ standard of living until they find new employment.

For the full article, click here (pdf).

Switzerland introduces statutory Adoption Leave starting 1 January 2023

As norms and family structures change around the world, an increasing number of countries have introduced statutory Paternity Leave and Adoption Leave.  In Switzerland the 2021 referendum approved same-sex marriage and adoption of children by same-sex couples. Starting 1 January 2023, working parents who adopt a child under the age of 4 will be entitled to paid Adoption Leave.

Read the full article here (pdf).

Together with our partners at Asinta, Alliant’s Global Benefits team compiled a 2024 Global Health Review (Medical Trend Rate Edition) which covers medical trends for 55 countries. The report dives into our step-by-step approach to striking the balance between responsible spending and providing competitive benefits.

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The 2023 Global Health Trend Review focuses on the impact of global inflation, and unexpected currency fluctuations on health insurance premiums. Alliant’s annual Global Health Trend Review provides multinational employers with information that can help them contain and plan for future medical insurance premium spend. The report covers medical trends in over 50 countries and outlines a step-by-step approach for addressing the most recent determinants of medical insurance premium expenses.

Read the full report.

The 2022 Global Health Trend Review focuses primarily on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health insurance premiums. Alliant’s annual Global Health Trend Review provides multinational employers with information that can help them contain and plan for future medical insurance premium spend. The report covers medical trends in over 50 countries and outlines a step-by-step approach for addressing the most recent determinants of medical insurance premium expenses.

Read the full report.