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Grain Silo Safety

By Alliant

Agricultural workers are at a serious risk of injury and/or death when installing, climbing into, fumigating, entering, filling or emptying a silo. Because of the nature of the conditions present, workers may be exposed to hazards such as a lack of oxygen, toxic gases and grain entrapment. To reduce the risk of injury, consider the following safety recommendations:

General Grain Handling Safety Precautions

  • Never smoke near a silo or cause sparks to ignite grain dust. It is extremely explosive.
  • If possible, complete tasks outside of the silo.
  • Wear respiratory protection when appropriate.
  • Ensure that all machine guarding equipment is in good working order.


Grain Silo Fumigation Safety

  • Ventilate a fumigating silo before entering.
  • Open phosphine containers while in open air and wear protection gear
  • Always fumigate with a co-worker nearby in case of an emergency.
  • Mark areas being fumigated with clearly labeled signs.


Avoiding Grain Suffocation

  • Never enter a silo unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Always turn off the auger and ensure that no one is going to empty or fill the silo before entering.
  • Stand on a ladder above compacted or bridged grain while dislodging it.


Grain Silo Structural Safety Concerns

  • Adhere to a “bedding-in” procedure when filling a silo by drawing off a rubbish bin full of grain.
  • Instruct all co-workers to stay away when filling or emptying a silo.
  • Conduct regular safety inspections of silos.


Protection Against Falls from Grain Silos

  • Use an approved fall restraint system and harness when climbing external silo ladders or when accessing a top hatch.
  • Install a wire mesh guard on external openings above the maximum grain level.


If You Become Trapped by Grain

  • Shield your face and chest with your arms to create space to breathe.
  • Have the co-worker positioned outside the silo call for help.
  • The co-worker should enter the silo only while wearing a breathing apparatus and lifeline.
  • Others from outside can then pull you both out safely.


For More Information, Contact: 

Lee Tilleman
Vice President
Alliant Agribusiness

Read More Grain Bin Safety Resources


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