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Specialized Educational Expertise

Serving educational entities since 1977, we offer unmatched knowledge and expertise in developing cost-effective solutions for the unique insurance challenges facing educational institutions. Our educational specialists are experts in the industry and monitor state educational codes and requirements across the nation.



Group Purchase Power

You can take advantage of a wide range of coverages—and competitive group rates—offered through our exclusive group insurance programs including the Alliant Property Insurance Program (APIP). We serve as a program manager, broker, or consultant for several large educational entity pools and have created group purchase programs and joint powers authorities (JPAs) that offer specialized coverage at below-market group rates.


Higher Education Features

We offer broad liability coverage designed specifically for educational entities, including school leaders liability, errors and omissions liability, medical malpractice, abuse and molestation, athletics, childcare, alcohol, security, and pollution. Coverage can include the educational entity and its not-for-profit-related organizations.


Additional Coverage

  • Insureds, including trustees, directors and officers, employees, and volunteers
  • Infirmary coverage when provided by allied health personnel
  • Personal injury and advertising coverage
  • Fire legal liability
  • Participation in joint ventures
  • Worldwide coverage, including institutionally sponsored trips overseas, semester or year abroad programs, and limited non-owned auto liability in foreign countries​