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Centralized Protection

An OCIP is a centralized insurance program designed to provide protection for owners and contractors of all tiers with certain insurance coverage while they are on the project site. An OCIP provides greater risk control and improved insurance coverage compared to the traditional approach to construction insurance.

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Innovative Approach

An MROCIP uses an innovative “pooled” approach to extend the benefits of OCIPs to single projects as low as $10 million as well as a more traditional “standalone” approach that allows entities with individual or aggregated projects totaling $100 million or more to benefit from MROCIP’s pre-negotiated, below-market rates.

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Streamlined Administration

MROCIP alleviates the administrative burden associated with the insurance process. Central to this concept is WrapX, our proprietary web-based, automated administration system that adds efficiency and transparency to the program so you can stay focused on delivering a successful project.

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Benefits of Master Rolling Owner-Controlled Insurance Program

Long available for large-scale projects, the vast benefits and affordability of owner-controlled insurance programs (OCIPs) are now accessible to public entities with projects of all sizes through our MROCIP.

  • Cost savings of up to 15% to 30% over market rates (1% to 1.5% of construction costs)
  • Elimination of redundant insurance costs and mark-ups
  • Higher limits of insurance ($25 million to $200 million+)
  • Minimized cross-litigation/subrogation
  • Larger, qualified contractor pool
  • Enhanced small business enterprise initiatives
  • Flexibility in premium financing
  • 10 years completed operations coverage
  • Solves indemnity issues of SB 474 for general contractors
  • Access to loss control, claims oversight, and risk management resources
  • Streamlined, turnkey implementation process
  • Reduced administrative burden
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The Power of PRISM

The key to this program’s innovation and flexibility lies with PRISM, the nation’s largest joint powers authority (JPA), which was founded in 1979. With 1,800 public entities covered, it accounts for 94% of California counties and 60% of California cities. All California public entities are eligible for PRISM membership and access to its programs, including MROCIP.